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Bushfires & the Emotional Wellbeing of Young Vets.


Updated: Feb 2, 2020

Being a vet is tough. There is no doubt about it - if you want to be a vet you will need to be able to learn to cope with distressing situations. There is no sugar coating this - the earlier KVC members are made aware of this the better prepared they will be for vet life. That's if they decide to continue with their vet studies at all.

As such at the present time with all the bushfire affected animals, many Australian vets will be very distressed mentally. Knowing how many animals have been hurt in our bushfires and not being able to treat every single one of them, is extremely distressing. We need to learn to cope with this situation.

So how do we cope? How do ease the minds of our kids who love animals so much?

Firstly we can assure our kids that every vet in bushfire affected areas will be doing everything they can to help treat hurt animals. We have a lot of vets, vet nurses and animal carers in Australia, so there are lots and lots of people who are working every single day, finding and treating hurt animals.

Secondly, there are massive amounts of donations from the public in the way of money for medicines, materials such as bandages, food, cages, bedding - whatever is required.

There are official agencies organising relief - organising where and when to send vets, nurses and animal carers; organising the supply and distribution of medicines and organising ongoing care for displaced animals for the future.

Thirdly, there are vets, nurses, RSPCA people, Rangers, farmers and other animal carers who are moving through the bushfire areas searching for hurt animals. Animals that are too badly hurt will be quickly and kindly euthenased (i.e. put to sleep). Not all animals will be able to be saved so our kindest action we can do is to euthenase them as soon as possible. This is our duty as vets - to prevent suffering.

So there are lots of animals that are now not suffering and many others being well cared for and will continue to be cared for in the future.

If anyone wishes to talk about this subject more - feel free to contact Dr Joan on Email.

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