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How will you apply for a job in a Animal Practice?


Vet practices and animal shelters are busy places. If you want to secure a work experience position or job, you need to do some preparation to make sure you stand out from the crowd and be remembered as "The Keen One!"


  • Call ahead & speak to a Practice Manager saying you would like to: "Express my interest in any future positions. What would be an appropriate time to drop off my resume?"

  • Turn up at the door neatly dressed, in appropriate work clothes with your resume in hand.

  • Be prepared to explain exactly what type of position you would like, when you are available and ask what would be your duties.

  • Remember that most animal practices are busy places so be efficient in your presentation.


  • Telephone, email, message on Facebook or Instagram and expect to be given a job.

  • Turn up at the door in thongs.

  • Turn up empty handed - you need to leave a resume or letter of interest.

  • If you want to be remembered, don't forget to "Follow up" your enquiry in a week or two to show them you are really keen.

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